Health and wellness

Swimming is one of the physical exercises that best combines the useful with the pleasant, did you know?

The Benefits

The benefits of swimming with Lifeguard Recertification near me are virtually endless for all ages. All without forgetting well-being and the possibility of maintaining the line in a healthy way.

There are those who believe that walking or running are activities that favor weight loss more. But recent investigations have proven that swimming is an ideal way to lose those extra pounds.

In fact, this sport does not increase the body's temperature much, nor does it accelerate metabolism as much as walking or running, as water dissipates heat and makes the body not burn as many calories.

However, with the help of a balanced diet and following a sports activity that maintains bone density and tones muscle mass (such as weight training).

Benefits that swimming gives you:

1. Longevity

Researchers at the University of South Carolina followed tests and experiences of men aged 20 to 90 years old, for 30 years, and 

found that those who practiced swimming had a 50% lower mortality rate compared to other physically active people or those who practiced swimming. who maintained a sedentary lifestyle. It is noteworthy that similar surveys were conducted with women, and the results were similar. Why not guarantee a few more years of life by taking a pleasant dip in the pool?

2. No impact

It is common to hear people report discomfort and discomfort at the beginning of the practice of physical exercises. Swimming differs in that it offers something that no other aerobic exercise can: it offers the ability to work your entire body, and without any severe impact on your skeletal system, thus reducing pain during the adaptation phase.

This is because when you are under water, your body automatically becomes light. If you keep your body under water up to waist height, your body will only hold 50% of its weight, if you submerge a little more, up to chest height, that weight can be reduced to about 25 to 35%. % of your total weight, and if you keep your body under water up to your neck, the weight will be the equivalent of only 10%.

These benefits of swimming make the pool an ideal place to work out stiff muscles and sore joints, especially for people dealing with overweight and physical limitations.

3. Arthritis

Swimming is highly recommended for people who suffer from arthritis. Stretches done in the pool can strengthen muscles and still contribute significantly to aerobic training. A heated pool is ideal for arthritis sufferers, as hot water can help loosen stiff joints. In fact, people with rheumatoid arthritis can enjoy the benefits of swimming even more than other people, especially when combined with hydrotherapy. Swimming in the pool can still reduce osteoarthritis pain.

4. Muscle strength and tone

Swimming is a great way to build muscle strength and tone, especially compared to other aerobic exercise. When an athlete is running on a track, he moves through the air, while a swimmer faces the resistance offered by the water, which has a density about 12% greater than that of air.

We know that the best way to build strength and tone is through resistance, so another point for swimming. This resistance is not limited to muscles alone, but studies have proven that swimming can also contribute to improving bone strength, especially when referring to post-menopausal women.

5. Works the whole body and makes it more flexible

Unlike exercise machines in gyms, which tend to isolate exercises to one body part at a time, swimming challenges the entire body and help simultaneously through a wide range of motions that help the joints and ligaments loosen up and become stronger. more flexible. You can move your arms, legs and head, and the arms and legs extension allows you to stretch your body more efficiently in the water, being the complete stretch.

For you to get the best benefits of swimming with flexibility, it is also recommended to do gentle stretches before and after training. This better control over the body also favors advanced balance improvement for a longer period of time.

6. Better heart health

Don't think that swimming only tones the pectoral muscles, triceps and quadriceps, as one of the biggest benefits of swimming is on the heart. As swimming is an aerobic exercise option, it serves to strengthen the heart, not only helping it to get bigger, but benefiting it to pump better, providing better blood flow throughout the body.

Swimming is still touted as functional to fight inflammation throughout the body, thus reducing the consequences offered by heart disease. At least 30 minutes of swimming a day is recommended, this is a good initiative to keep blood pressure under control, and also reduce the possibility of coronary heart disease in women by 30 to 40%.

7. Weight control and calorie burning

Many people think that because water is normally colder than our body temperature, it would be difficult to lose weight with training in the pool, but these opinions need to be reviewed. Currently, swimming is recognized as one of the biggest calorie burners, which can be an excellent alternative for those who want to keep their weight under control.

The amount of calories burned depends not only on how hard you exercise, but also on your own physiology. Generally speaking, it is said that for every 10 minutes of swimming, swimming breaststroke can burn up to 60 calories, while swimming on the back burns up to 80 calories.

But if you're an advanced conditioning swimmer, butterfly swimming can get you free of as little as 150 calories. Intervals and structuring with shots of different intensities can favor your recovery, and enable better physical resistance.

8. No allergies

One of the benefits of swimming is that it allows you to exercise in moist air, which can help reduce asthma and allergy symptoms. A group of children were observed during a six-week swimming program, and it was possible to notice improvements in the severity of allergy symptoms, mouth breathing and even snoring.

Pool exercises can help increase lung volume and teach proper breathing techniques. The benefits of swimming can be even greater after the first year of regular practice.

9. Cholesterol control

The aerobic power of swimming contributes to the balance of HDL and LDL cholesterol levels. It is said that for every 1% increase in the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL), the risk of death from heart disease drops by up to 3.5%.

Studies have shown that swimming can also benefit the health of your endothelium. Now you must be wondering what this is, right? Endothelium is nothing more than the thin layer of cells that lines the arteries, and tends to lose flexibility with advancing age. It has been shown that people aged 60 years who exercise regularly with swimming have endothelial function similar to people aged 30 to 40 years younger, as swimming causes the arteries to expand and contract more efficient.

10. Reduces Diabetes

It has been proven that it is possible to reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 6% for every 500 calories burned per week with swimming. A minimum of 30 minutes of swimming 3 times a week is recommended, so you will burn an average of 900 calories, thus reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes by at least 10%. High-intensity swimming once a week can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 16%. Regular swimming practice can significantly help with American Lifeguard VA glycemic control, especially for diabetics who practice at least 150 minutes a week, thus helping the body to deal with insulin sensitivity, being valid for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

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