Swimming: good for the body and mind

In addition to leisure, swimming is very beneficial for the human body with lifeguard recertification near me, in many aspects, whether physical or mental. Swimming is a low-impact aerobic activity that requires the work of almost all the muscles. It needs concentration and rhythm to perform breathing and, as it is an activity practiced horizontally, it allows muscle stretching with each stroke.

“In addition, it brings security and allows socialization for those who practice the sport in environments that have swimming pools or outdoors”, says Fernando Alde, physical educator, swimming teacher and co-owner of Cia Athletica Kansas.

One of the great benefits of swimming is the help of orthopedic treatments and/or joint pain . “This type of exercise allows for general muscle strengthening, protecting joints and reducing degenerative processes. This tends to relieve osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia pain as the joints remain looser and more flexible. It's as if swimming helps lubricate them. It is also beneficial for reducing the shock caused by impact on the ground, common in other exercises”, explains Daniel Oliveira, an orthopedist.

According to him, those who have skin allergies (chemicals in the water can worsen dermatological conditions), ringworm and conjunctivitis (because they are contagious) should also look for another type of physical exercise, in addition to patients with osteoporosis, since the low impact of swimming does not help to control the disease. In addition, it is important to follow a physical educator to avoid injuries and a balanced diet that provides the body with the nutrients necessary for the practice of sport.


The benefits of swimming go further. According to Daniel Oliveira, this modality is also good for the heart, as it strengthens the heart muscles and stimulates blood circulation, and for breathing, strengthening the thoracic muscles and increasing breathing capacity. In addition, it helps in weight control and muscle toning, as it is a resistance exercise.

However, the orthopedist draws attention to the excesses of the practice, which can have the opposite effect. “Swimming injuries happen when the sport is done excessively and at high intensity, when the swimmer uses wrong techniques or when he has some muscular deficiency. All this can generate an overload of the upper and lower limbs.”

Thus, among the main problems caused by swimming , according to him, are: impingement syndrome and tendonitis in the shoulders, a condition that affects the shoulder joint and is caused by the inflammation of the tendons that are around the rotator cuff, and the knee. of the swimmer, common for swimmers who practice the 'breaststroke' very frequently. “The rotational movement of this style can affect the median collateral ligament, which runs along the inner side of the knee,” he explains.


“A greater good”, is how senior systems analyst Lucienne Roque Monteiro, 54, describes swimming in her life. A gift, which, according to her, began with the dream of obtaining her diving certification in mid-2003. Since then, Lucienne has adopted the practice as a sport, which later made all the difference in her life, since was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the hip.

“This was the physical activity most recommended by doctors and physical therapists because it has no impact and allows considerable caloric expenditure. In 2014, when I got the hip replacement, swimming returned to my focus, as I had to give up any activity that involved impact. Swimming gives me the intensity that I like and need to stay in shape, as maintaining weight is one of the requirements to prolong the life of the prosthesis”, he says.


Swimming, like any sport and physical activity, takes care of the health of the body and mind. This is what psychiatrist Lucas Bifans points out. “From a psychological point of view, it is very welcome for those who suffer from anxiety disorders, as it allows a greater flow of oxygen to the muscles and ends up forcing the practitioner of the modality to regulate their own breathing.”

“In addition, swimming is linked to cardiovascular training, which makes oxygenated blood pump more effectively. The greater this blood flow, the more oxygen the brain receives and the better it works. Other advantages are the development of positive habits, the regulation of body functions, stress relief, directly contributing to the regulation of sleep, increased disposition and productivity, self-esteem, concentration, mood and improved sleep and appetite.”

Thus, he recalls that from the moment the patient starts to practice a physical activity, such as swimming, he tends to strengthen his physical, mental and social well-being. This causes old habits to be exchanged for healthier ones, capable of improving personal, professional, interaction and socialization conditions with American Lifeguard VA.



  • Swimming stretches the body and helps keep joints loose and flexible.
  • Strengthens heart muscle and reduces the chances of cardiovascular disease
  • Prevents asthma, helps treat bronchitis and increases breathing capacity
  • Reduces the level of diabetes, improves the level of cholesterol and helps to lose weight
  • Relaxes the muscles and promotes more mobility to the body
  • Improves posture, increases spinal flexibility and helps with pain caused by poor posture
  • Helps to lose weight
  • Helps control anxiety and depression

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